Fill out the 2025 Spring Service form now

Due to the increase in both winter storage and spring boat deliveries, Sheltered Cove Marina requires spring make-ready requests to be returned as soon as possible so we can accommodate everyone's launch request.

  • We will need at least 60 days notice from when your spring service is requested to the first available launch date. Sometimes, SCM will launch the boat up to 14 days early, and we will notify each customer when that occurs.
  • All boats must be picked up within five days from when it is launched. Delivery is available subject to our schedule.
  • For reference- If you are looking for a mid-April launch date, you would need to have a request submitted by mid-February.
  • We will have staff ready to assist you in scheduling service.
  • We are requesting anyone who wants to be launched in March to contact us. We are encouraging March Launches.
  • SCM may launch boats up to 14 days before the requested launch date.

Service Recommendations

  1. Tune-Up – Every boat with at least one entire season of use should be tuned up each spring. Part of a tune-up includes changing the engine-mounted fuel filters, spark plugs, and an entire test ride to ensure the boat is operating correctly.
  2. Dewinterization of the boat's engine – This operation is only intended for new boats that have only a short period of use the previous year. No filters, spark plugs, or test ride is provided.
  3. Fuel Injector Cleaner – Because most boats are now fuel injected, it is essential to have these injectors professionally cleaned. This will improve fuel economy, top speed, and the engine's overall health.
  4. Fuel Treatment – All NJ gas contains Ethanol and should be treated, especially after sitting for a few months; SCM can add a shock treatment of fuel conditioner at the time of making it ready for you.
  5. Electronic Upgrades and Additions – Early spring is the best time to add new electronics- this includes items like a new transducer, water alarms that can text you if there is an issue, and entrance alarms to notify you if someone enters the boat. New GPS units that are sunlight viewable, load faster, and have more detail are now available.
  6. Full Electric Steering, Autopilot, and Single Engine joystick - Yamaha has recently added a complete system for upgrading your boat's handling. Electric Steering is far faster, more responsive, and more accessible than traditional hydraulic steering. Single Engine Joystick makes the close, slow maneuvering much more effortless. All of these upgrades are available to any horsepower Yamaha-powered boat.

Finally, we are looking forward to a great boating season and thank you for your business! Spring, here we come!

The crew at Sheltered Cove Marina

2025 Spring Service
Commission Form

Fill out this form now